2018-2019 MCLE Training Series
The 2018-2019 training series will launch this fall and will be comprised of three tracks:
- Novice removal defense - for attorneys with little practice experience in immigration court.
- Expert removal denfense - for experienced attorneys who want to learn more about complex issues.
- Hot Topics in removal defense - A series on recently announced decisions and policies that dramatically alter the landscape of removal defense practice.
Hot Topic: CLINIC Training - Representing Asylum Seekers &
Formulating PSGs Post Matter of A- B- (Co-sponsored by RDC)
Thursday August 8th, 2019
5:30 PM Registration | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Training
Dinner Provided
Location: Southwestern Law School
Westmoreland Building, Room W329
RSVP at: http://bit.ly/aug82019
Expert Track: Advocating for Access
A guide to the challenges of defending a detained client
Date TBD
5:30 PM Registration | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Training
Dinner Provided
Location: Southwestern Law School | Room TBD
Description: This training will provide an overview of approaches for
advocating within the detained context, and will include a 30-minute
strategy session to share best practices and exchange approaches
among private and non-profit attorneys.
Hot Topics: So You’re Saying There’s a Chance - PART I
Zealous Lawyering in Removal Defense and Strategies for cases with no
substantive relief.
Date TBD
5:30 PM Registration | 6:00 - 8:00 PM Training
Dinner Provided
Location: Southwestern Law School
Description: Speakers will provide an overview of procedural strategies and
“zealous lawyering” tactics such as suppression, termination, and the use of
subpoenas and discovery. The training will include 30 minutes for attorneys
to collectively strategize on local best practices.
Hot Topics: So You’re Saying There’s a Chance - PART II
Zealous Lawyering in Removal Defense and Strategies for cases with no
substantive relief.
September 13th, 2019
5:30 PM Registration | 6:00 - 8:00 PM Training
Dinner Provided
Location: Southwestern Law School
Description: Speakers will do a deeper-dive into some of the topics discussed
during Part I, including a nuts and bolts discussion about Motions to Suppress
and Terminate, based on constitutional violations, and the effect of Perez v. Barr
on removal defense practice. Speakers include Eva Bitran, staff attorney at the ACLU
of Southern California.
To view the entire list of trainings for the 2018-2019 MCLE Training Season, please click here.
All trainings will be recorded and posted on this website. MCLE credits will only be provided for in-person attendees, and will not be provided for webinar viewings. For recorded versions of all previous trainings, click here.